Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Well, we started out this morning hoping to get to Peanut Island anchorage in Palm Beach, FL but we began smelling something hot, like rubber and then the alternator belt began squealing. So, we dropped the hook in a small lake off the "ditch" (ICW) and I tightened the belt and added a little silicone spray. We got underway again and everything seemed to be fine. Then, a little later the squeal started again and we began to notice the engine temperature rising. Thinking the belt may have been stretched, we dropped the hook, again, off the side off the ditch and I proceeded to put a new belt on. We also cleaned the sea water intake to the engine and the found the motor was low on water. After filling the engine water, we found the temperature was fine but I couldn't get the belt squeal to quit. So, we contacted a nearby marina with a diesel mechanic and made arrangements to have it looked at tomorrow morning. We also feel we have a small exhaust leak and plan to have that looked into as well.

After we arrived at the marina, we struck a conversation with a fellow cleaning some fish and he graciously shared a couple of Trigger fish fillets, which we had for dinner tonight  Delicious!!!! I did learn he is a 21 year veteran with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's  department and is a canine handler. I don't know what our society would do without these civil servants who protect and defend us.

Unfortunately, we have no pictures to post today, but we did travel through some beautiful FL cities. I'm still amazed at the money that is down here.

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