Thursday, September 12, 2013

Headed north

We made about 50 miles each of the last few days, putting us just on the south side of Albermarle Sound. We should be to the Chesapeake in a couple more days.

  It's about 15 miles across the sound going north and reputed to be choppy because of the its relatively shallow and with a long fetch (distance of wind going over water).   Sometimes when the wind has been going one way and then changes, the waves are continuing to go another way so there's a checkerboard affect.   Anyway, the wind has shifted a little since yesterday, the winds are at about 9 coming from the south so we do plan to sail as much as we can toward the other side.
It's so strange.  Coming here the wind was on our nose so it was difficult to sail.  Every time we made a turn, we'd say, now the wind will be off the side so we can sail.  But no!   The wind was still on the nose.    Other sailors have noted this, saying wherever they want to go, the wind is right there coming toward them.

Anyway, we've anchored out in some beautiful places the last two nights and swam and fished in some lovely water.  

It was tough, having a non-eventful day, just watching the scenery and hanging out.



We wondered when the gulls ever rest.  We found out yesterday morning when the water was dead calm.   They were everywhere, just floating.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I like the pic of you relaxing!, I would know those feet anywhere,ha. Like the pics. Doing fine you.