Saturday, July 27, 2013

A new beautiful spot to explore

After anchoring overnight at Skull Creek (no, not the one in Fayetteville), we had an easy morning ride north to Beaufort (BEW Ferd), South Carolina.   We chose a spot among the boats near the downtown park and ramp.   

Above is the view from our boat over to land.

And these are views back from the city waterfront park and marina back toward the boats.  Very pretty.  
Beauford is a town of about 12,000 that dates back to the 1500's.   When plantation owners made lots of money from rice, cotton and indigo, they built very big homes in town where the breezes from the water are so much cooler than farther inland.   Most of the homes are right here, right now, and very impressive.

Tom took a picture of me in the waterfront park and was kind enough to tell me I looked "fine" in it. 

We came back to the boat from that original exploration where we walked and looked and ate frozen yoghurt ( a recently acquired habit).   Then we dinghyed back to the boat and swam.  The current is strong so I practiced swimming while not moving at all, secured in the floating ring tied to the boat.
Around 8 p.m. we went back into town where we attended a "river dance," where the music was not really danceable.    Very fun to sit in one of the several porch swings overlooking the river and watch the people go by.  
Today they say they are closing the river for an airshow and tomorrow a boat parade (Oh, I forgot earlier to say that these events are the finale for a two-week water festival that we just happened on to.)
We may stay another day or two, then head on north.    Tom is saying he'd like to find a place, maybe Oriental, North Carolina, where we can dock for a few weeks and be part of a place.  


Mom said...

That sure looks like a great place. Those big ,nice homes. I envy you the porch swing and watching people go by. Sounds like Paradise. When you get to Oreintal, NC, will it be much cooler? If so, would be a nice place to park! Enjoyed the pics. Keep safe.

Susan said...

Hi nancy! My mother and dad are here and we've been looking over your blog. Looks like a good time. I see Phil has been ill. Hope he has had a turn around.

Cousin susan