Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Nancy and I spent part of the day, yesterday, exploring the Vero Beach area. They have a great bus service (free) that runs to many different places in town. We started out by taking the dinghy to the dinghy dock, with Nancy in the bow and at the tiller. I don't know what we would have done without a dinghy. It's our own personal water taxi at our beckoning command.

We picked up the bus (once we learned where the nearest bus stop was) and rode it downtown for breakfast. This trip took all of 15 minutes and had my foot been better, I'm sure we would have walked. We went to breakfast at the same beach front restaurant where we had eaten dinner the night before. They had a great breakfast of eggs, toast and home fries all for only $2.95. I know, I'm starting to sound like a true retired person, cheap, cheap, cheap. But, there was a catch. You had to order a beverage to get that price. Since we had already had our coffee before leaving the boat, we opted for something a little more healthy.


You will notice all of the vegetables, fruit, shrimp and tomato juice in that glass. What a great way to start the day!!!
While letting our breakfast settle, Nancy hopped on line using her sophisticated IPhone and ordered us a couple of folding bicycles to be delivered before we leave Vero Beach. We're looking forward to them arriving so we can get back into some type of exercise routine.
After ordering the bikes, Nancy decided she might take a stroll on the beach while I choose to relax on a nearby bench watching the Love Bugs swarm and mate. You may know that Love Bugs are those things that, if you drive in Florida this time of year, will actually clog up the fins of your car radiator. They don't bite (guess they're too busy with their other activity) but their swarming can be a bother.
Suspenseful photo. I'll leave it to your imagination as to whether she really got wet. It's always best to keep one eye seaward!!!
The next photo was actually taken the afternoon we arrived in Vero Beach. It's especially shown here for the benefit of my Mom. I'm sure she'll understand the meaning. That's one dip of Salty Caramel and one dip of Black Cherry. But, here they don't sell it by the dip, they sell it by weight. Mine weighted about $4.00. Ummmm.
We did a little shopping while downtown and I bought a new pair if sandals ( we used to call them flip-flops, but now they're sandals). I'd post a picture of the new sandals but I don't want the world to see my swollen toe!! Nancy picked up a new hat and a really cute skirt and top. Maybe she'll model them for us before too long.
While walking to town and in the beach area, we snapped a few more pictures:

We jumped on the bus again and rode over to Publix for some groceries. I won't bore you with the list of things we got, but we picked up enough to get us through for a few days and returned to the boat.
We took a nice dinghy ride through some of the back bays around the marina and then came back for a couple of adult beverages and watched the sunset.
Life is good!!!


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