Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Just a short note with no pictures: We're off again! Left St Augustine this morning after taking on fuel, water and dumping our waste tanks. Headed north, always north, toward Fernandina Beach, Fl. Since it's about 62 miles, we'll probably make a 2 day trip of it, anchoring just short of Jacksonville later this afternoon. We had hoped to go outside at ST Augustine and sail along the beach to at least J'ville but the winds were from dead north and would have been on our nose at about 10 kph. Not good for sailing north. So, we've stayed inside and are motoring again.

We accomplish many things while at St Augustine, as I've already mentioned. It was a great stopover to do some routine work on the boat and to enjoy the history and ambiance of the town.

We'll soon be leaving FL after being here since the 15th of April. We understand the "ditch" is GA is very curvy but also very scenic. If I'm not mistaken, GA will be one of the shorter coastlines we'll encounter on our trip but due to the --- sorry, I just got called away because we managed to run aground, again. Seems we get confused as to which side the green is on. OK, I'm back. We were able to maneuver by circling around and finally got free. Anyway, due to the windiness of the "ditch" in GA, it may take a little time to get through. Hopefully, we'll be able to get some great pictures to post.

Hope everyone has a great day.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Thank you for letting us know you have left St A. Hope GA will be full of pics for us. Safe sailing.