Friday, June 21, 2013

Water We Doing?

This picture is to say two things:
One, this new million dollar yacht arrived to the marina by truck from Maine today after hours.  It's a Hinckley - this marina is a Hinckley dealership.   It's being delivered to the owner of Home Depot and the boat's name is   Water We Doing. 
I didn't get it at first but now I do and I like it!  Fun.
The second reason this is a good picture is that just as the truck arrived, so did a very big tide caused by the very big moon.   And the water came up everywhere here at the marina.
Moon last night.
We walked around to explore our new waterbound world.
We had been to a Thai restaurant on our bikes.  We had to ride them through the salty water to get back so Tom rinsed them off with fresh water.
By the time we settled back onto the boat, the water had risen to just under our boat so we didn't have to go to the water - it came to us.
And after we'd played a game of rummy, we looked down and the water was pretty much gone.
So much for another adventurous day at the marina.


Mom said...

Hey,it sounds like you had fun and a full moon too! We had a real storm around noon and really rained. Your "tree house " almost got flooded. Do be careful riding thru rain, you might hit a bump or hole and land face down! Ha you can tell I do not swim!! Love

Andy Shupe said...

Nancy, I am enjoying your adventures, and your blog very much. Sad to hear about your boat troubles. (Perhaps you could rename your boat after one of our favorite former editors. He was all hull and no rudder as well.) They should get you up and underway again soon, though.

Keep up the writing and the photographs. I'm really enjoying checking in on your adventures.

Andy Shupe

Unknown said...

Andy, Thanks for the encouragement. It's fun to think there are people out there who care what we're up to. Sometimes it feels like we're far away and forgotten. But I'm making sure that doesn't happen, right?!! (I'll email you privately re our former editor.) Andy is a photographer for our NW Arkansas newspaper. I used to report for them.