Wednesday, June 19, 2013

on my own

Tom has decided he'd like to post his own blogs on his old blogsite rather than piggy back on to mine.  He will post the address once he has it established again - he had a blog for a while when he traveled by RV.
This is the culprit.   When we got the boat out of the water we could see what we imagined - the rudder was hanging on by a few fibers of fiberglass.
So  they hauled the boat out and now we are up on stilts with a stairway up to the open transom - the open back you see in this picture.    It takes two to three weeks to get and install a rudder so we will be here a while, like it or not.
So far, we've found ways to work and play:   borrowed the marina truck to get groceries and ended up eating in a neat restaurant downtown at lunch. 
Took the dinghy out so we could swim that afternoon.
One day, Tom said we shouldn't work so we sat around reading novels
'til we finished them.   Then I took the bicycle off to visit a nearby historical cemetery while Tom took a nap.
We had been carrying the ingredients for a recipe my friend Myria made for us before we left all over the place.   Finally, here, we got to make it.  It's chicken in olives and beer and tomato sauce over rice and it's wonderful.
Over the next several days, we hope to clean the boat and have some mechanical problems looked at.   When there's something interesting to post, we'll get to it.    
Again, feel free to view Tom's blot spot when he posts it for a different version of whatever we are experiencing.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Glad to hear from you again. I will keep up with Tom and you. Hope you enjoy your time there and get rest and work done too. Nothing much going on here. Crocheting, reading and EATING!!